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PRESENTED BY KEVIN 20 year old Cleo Sol was born to musical parents who met in a Jazz band. Her Mum, half Serbian and Spanish, is a singer and plays the guitar...
The Kiboomers! Award-winning Chart-toppers on iTunes. \r★Get this song on iTunes: \rWatch our ‘I Love Colors Dont Ask Me Why song video and sing along with ...
Cleo Sol did us an amazing cover of Gary Jules - 'Mad World' for her Dropout Live session - have a look!Dropout UK is an online music and entertainment magazine...
Data: 17/10/17ReferênciasJuízes 5.31Inscreva-se no canal da Bispa Cléo e receba diariamente Palavras de Vida e Mudança de Vida. https://goo.gl/FptS5YConheç...
Data: 29/01/2016Referência: Efésios 4 :26-27Contenda; brigas; problemas; causa; ira; superar; resolver; salvação; espiritual; maturidade; vida vitoriosa; p...